A lot of financial planning clients require the services of a tax professional. Then there are others whose phase of life and financial situation don’t necessarily require that level of help. But what about those who might be somewhere in the middle? Tune in to hear 5 different personal and/or financial situations where Adam and Ben suggest their clients outsource tax prep services to a qualified professional.
In this episode of AB Conversations, Ben and Adam delve into the financial planning concept of living off the income of savings and not cutting into the principle by comparing one’s savings to a "Golden Goose Laying Golden Eggs." They discuss scenarios where this concept applies, such as in retirement planning and when making major purchases or paying off debt, emphasizing the need to balance emotional decisions with rational financial choices. The hosts stress the importance of maintaining flexibility for long-term planning and offer strategies to consider when navigating various financial scenarios.
📈 Navigating the financial landscape in 2024! 📉 Ben and Adam discuss the impact of market recovery and the common question that comes up in conversation at the beginning of a new year: "should I change my investment strategy?" Tune in for valuable financial planning perspectives and market insights.
💡 In the latest episode of A/B Conversations, Ben and Adam discuss different types of relationships with financial planners. 🤝 Are you seeking advice or a collaborative partner in your financial journey? Tune in to explore the nuances and find what aligns with your needs!
What happens when things go sideways in your financial journey? From market fluctuations, healthcare costs, and unexpected expenses, Ben and Adam talk about how we plan for worst-case scenarios. This allows clients to feel prepared no matter what life throws at them and they can continue living the life they want to live 📈💼🤔
Planning for retirement? Discover the power of 'likelihood of success' in mapping out your financial future. Learn from Benjamin Haas & Adam Werner as they share real-life scenarios and trade-offs in our latest podcast episode.
In the world of financial planning, it's not just about numbers; it's also about understanding emotions and priorities. Join the conversation with Benjamin Haas and Adam Werner as they reveal the detective work behind effective financial planning through what they call whiteboarding. Get ready to think differently about your finances!
Ready to debunk the myth of completely avoiding taxes? Listen to our podcast as we explore the strategies, nuances, and misconceptions surrounding tax planning and if there's a silver bullet when it comes to paying taxes.
Should I rent or buy my fun? As always, maybe! Ben and Adam discuss the ways we go through figuring out if it’s better to buy our fun, like a second property, a vacation home or a boat, or just rent it. A few factors to consider include upfront costs, ongoing expenses, carrying costs, taxes, and flexibility. If this is something you’re considering, tune in to see how these could impact your decision about buying your fun.
We’re over halfway through the year so that means it’s time for a Midyear Investment Outlook! Join Ben and Adam as they reflect on the market during the first six months of this year and give their perspective on the investment outlook for the remainder of 2023. Tune in to gain valuable insight on the opportunities and risks for investors.
The Department of Education is calling this the “most ambitious and significant redesign of the federal student aid application in decades.” Ben and Adam discuss how these changes may impact your situation and where new planning opportunities should be explored.
On our 100th episode, we discuss planning situations and strategies that go into preparing to live to age 100. Longevity is the biggest risk in retirement and it amplifies other risks such as cost of living, healthcare, inflation, and medical expenses. As the more time goes by, the more things are likely to change if your life. It's important to review your estate plan and financial plan on a regular basis because the earlier you can plan for longevity, the better. Tune in to hear tips for preparing for a long and financially healthy retirement!