Diligent Saves With Competing Goals | HAAS Financial Group

The Rosens are busy professionals with the awareness to know that they could use some help with financial planning at this point in their lives. They already have the fundamentals of a plan in place: a good understanding of their savings, adequate cash reserve, and some discretionary cashflow to allocate towards their future. But, they have competing goals and questions on how to efficiently allocate their resources towards those priorities. They want to make sure that their money is successfully aligned with their life and their priorities and managing this takes valuable time that could be spent elsewhere raising their children, managing online schooling, working from home, and focusing on staying safe. We will help the Rosens set a baseline plan for the next 2-3 years, while remaining flexible to change as needed. In addition to the baseline plan and addressing their personal goals, on an annual basis we will review their 401ks, annual budgeting and debt review, check-in on cash flow, look at college and retirement projections, and complete end of year tax planning. If this resonates with you, schedule a free introductory call.

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Planning For A Secure Retirement | HAAS Financial Group

The Millers are almost empty nesters who are ready to start focusing on retirement. They are looking forward to the freedom that retirement will offer as they transition from claiming dependents and commuting to and from work every day. They feel as if they’ve built a good foundation, but struggle to navigate the last phase of college expenses, caring for aging mothers and their own retirement goals and would rather pay a professional to review their strategy thus far. The Millers need someone they can trust and prefer a close working relationship with their financial planner to collaborate with the other professionals in their life. The Millers have done a good job saving, spending within their means, which is the foundation for a secure retirement. We even explored the possibility of them both retiring early and showed them what it would require to do so.

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Building A Strong Financial Legacy | HAAS Financial Group

Whether you want your money to stay within your family or go to the charities that you care most about, the Stein family is a great example of how we can help. At the end of the process, the Steins will have a detailed plan for their property, assets, donations to charity, specific medical requests, and transfer of wealth to their heirs. The Steins have been retired for a few years and wish to maintain their current lifestyle while also developing a clear plan for their specific wishes prior to death. During their careers, they had to be very hands-on; however, in this phase of their life they no longer wish to play financial quarterback. They seek a streamlined management of their finances with other professionals in their life. Haas Financial Group will spend time understanding their current tax return and estate plan and how unexpected life changes might impact those plans. We will partner with the Stein's CPA and attorney (or work with our trusted network of professionals if you don't already have one) to be sure they get the best advice. No two legacy plans are the same and Haas Financial Group will tailor the plan to your own unique financial situation. If this resonates with you, schedule a free introductory call.

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Redirecting Your Financial Life After The Loss Of A Loved One  | HAAS Financial Group

Mary came to us because her husband of 45 years recently passed away and she wasn’t sure what to do financially because it was the first time in her life managing her finances. She needs help understanding and organizing key documents, assets in many places and understanding if she can live comfortably through retirement on her own. Mary is living off their assets, pension and Social Security income, but has excess cash flow however, she still feels vulnerable and uncertain about everything, especially finances. She wants a relationship with a financial planner that will not pressure her to make decisions or one who sells her things. She feels at risk of letting emotions drive her financial decisions, but does not have a strong opinion either way. She does not want to be a burden to her son either, so she is seeking our advice to put her mind as ease and validate other’s advice that she is receiving during this difficult time.

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