One Second Everyday
I think turning 40 years old last month got to me a little bit. Not that I “feel old” or sense some sort of “mid-life crisis” coming on. Rather, it got me thinking. What if I’m already at my midpoint of life? Or worse, what makes me think I’ll even make it to 80! I’ve lost friends and family long before their 80th birthdays and some who were even younger than me. Thinking about birthdays and age milestones tends to make you pause. I guess birthdays can act as a reminder that every day is a blessing and that we should not take anything or anyone or any moment (big or small) for granted. Turning 40 reminded me of those truths and gave me a renewed focus to try to slow down time a bit and make every day count!
But how? Schedules are what they are and responsibilities pile up, so I was trying to be realistic about what I could do to better appreciate this gift of another year (and hopefully another decade). I was reminded of an app my cousin Nick used last year called One Second Everyday. It’s an app that that prompts me to capture one second of my day through picture of video, a simple 1 second clip. Over the course of the year, I’ll have a 365 second compellation of 365 moments that capture things big and small, each with their own story. Some clips will be of big unforgettable memories, like seeing comedian Nate Bargatze with Adam a few weeks ago at the Santander Arena, or Dad and I meeting Ray Dindinger at the Joe Conklin show in West Chester, PA. Some clips will be seemingly less memorable moments, like a goofy encounter with the kids at the bus stop or capturing the laughable fact that Desiree, Cayden, his friend and I all wore the same color to church last week without trying to color coordinate. Looking back at my first 31 clips (for January), I simply smile.
I love the app because it’s already created a new habit in me. It forces me to look for little glimmers of joy every day. It allows me to look back and remember what a small moment felt like. Who was I with that day? What did we discuss or share? How did I feel in that moment? Looking back at my first 31 clips, it allows me to quickly see how many DIFFERENT blessings I have in my life, especially the little moments that I often take for granted. Like the little dance Lucas doesn’t know he does when he’s brushing his teeth. Or the fact that Gabriel’s getting really good at playing the piano even though he’s only self-taught. Or that Jaxson now goes for rides in the old truck like a good dog should.
When we think about our lives, there are certainly big moments to remember. I hope to make a lot more big, unforgettable memories in my next 40 years. But the little moments matter too. And One Second Everyday helps me make sure I capture those little pieces of joy and count my daily blessings too.
Maybe you want to give it a try?
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