I Have a (Plan) Dream
I Have a Plan Dream
There are several books that have made a lasting impact on my life. One of them is “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. Sinek is an inspirational speaker and author who focuses on business leadership. The book highlights how good leaders are able to inspire others by the way they think, act and communicate. His concept of the Golden Circle has three rings; what, how and why. Inspiration does not come from leaders, businesses or organizations sharing WHAT they feel is special, or HOW they do it differently or better. Rather, it’s by focusing on WHY a business, an organization, or a movement exists in the first place that generates emotion, passion, and ultimately is what inspires others to take action. In the world of business, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it!”1
This concept resonated with me many years ago. Because as a planner, I had often thought in reverse. When writing plans or developing new processes for our team, the end result would often be, “Here’s WHAT we are going to do, and here’s HOW we are going to do it.” But WHY? WHAT and HOW without WHY will not inspire. It may be part of the reason that statistics show 70% of clients only act upon 20% of the advice a financial planner gives them. There may be a misalignment of values, beliefs, or a gap in understanding of WHY the advice was given in the first place.
As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this week, I was reminded of this book. Sinek’s best example for the power of WHY focuses on the famous “I have a dream” speech that Martin Luther King, Jr. gave 60+ years ago on August 28, 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Dr. King understood how to inspire others and it was not by telling them WHAT to do or HOW to do it. By sharing his vision and what he believed, he created a common ground that followers then were able to act upon. I’m sure they debated HOW they were going to achieve civil rights, or WHAT needed to be done. But when Dr. King spoke his words, and shared his beliefs, those who believed what he believed took that cause and made it their own. They made it their WHY. And then they told people what they believed. And then those people told others. And eventually, 250,000 showed up by the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963 all at the same time. Simon Sinek makes the point (paraphrasing) that 250,000 people were in attendance, not because they got an invite in the mail or because they wanted to come support Dr. King. They came for themselves; because they believed in his vision as well. They came because his cause was their cause. Because they saw an opportunity to help America become a better version of itself.1
It wasn’t the details of his plans that earned him the right to lead. Afterall, it was not the “I have a plan” speech. It was the “I have a dream” speech. It was a vision. It was a WHY. And like all good leaders, he simply became the symbol of the belief he was able to share so eloquently, through his ability to communicate and ultimately, to inspire.
1 Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (London: Penguin Books, 2011)
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