Cayden Got His Driver's Permit
I remember how I used to just nod and smile when people would tell me that it’ll seem like my kids will grow up too fast. The passage of time is constant. But clearly what people meant by their warning was that if you’re not careful, one day you’ll feel like you blinked and years went by not seconds. I think my first wakeup call to that fact slapped me across the face last weekend. My oldest now has a driver’s permit.
It's hard to picture Cayden as old enough to drive. He’s responsible and a rule follower so I don’t worry about his attention to the road or being able to put his phone down (ok – I worry about all children with that!). I did have reservations about how he would react to be in charge of the car. Cayden’s not a power tool kid and he’s not been responsible for operating a mower. So he’s not pulling on many past or paralleled experiences like I might have when I was 16. (I was mowing my grandmother’s lawn at age 10!). But Cayden has been a very competent driver when I’ve been with him, and he aced the written exam. He’s eager to learn and I trust he will be fine.
I guess the other good news is that we as parents may have a lighter workload in the months to come. By Spring 2025, Cayden should be driving himself to all those soccer practices (especially those in Reading for Berks United). And for all those times he asks for rides to be with his girlfriend or friends, he now may enjoy this newfound freedom to not be too reliant on us in the next 6 months. And maybe he’ll play a role in the family shuttle service for Gabriel as he prepares for a much earlier morning next school year at the Middle School (how is Gabriel going to be in 6th grade next year?!).
I’ll just need to say my prayers a little more frequently as he ventures out – having truly grown up too fast. May he be safe, always, and may he turn those book smarts into “street smarts.”
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