I'm interested in joining

The Spring 2022 program has ended.  However, we wish to continue the program in the Fall semester.  If you are interested in participating in our Student Mentoring Program in Fall 2022, please click the "I'm interested in joining" button.

We covered the following topics this Spring:

  • Week 1: Licenses, designations, and different job avenues within the finance industry
  • Week 2: CFP®️ Exam and the newest topic on Client Psychology

  • Week 3: Investment management within the financial planning process & building relationships with other professionals
  • Week 4: Client meeting scenarios and review of a case study

The Human Side of Money Podcast: Designing A Discovery Process To Maximize Return On Life with Mitch Anthony, shares how to create a connection with clients and prospective clients where someone feels safe enough to share.  He suggests focusing on using stories and analogies, asking great questions, and discussing transitions rather than goals. This requires the skill to be able to ask the right questions and communicate complex topics in an understandable language.

Even though this semester's program has concluded, we are here to be a resource as you continue to grow and develop.  Feel free to reach out.  We'd be happy to give perspective and guidance.